Wednesday, December 12, 2007


[[[Great joy in having Craig read and comment on my first post]]]
Found out they changed the requirements (sneaks) so I might have to put some more time in at school. Had so hoped to finish that four year degree in thirty years. Going from Batchelor of Arts in History to Batchelor of old Farts with History. Had to write a begging letter to some committee asking to be passed on with my original deal. We'll see.
Liked my historioghraphy class this semester. HISTORIOGRAPHY: where people who study history, study people who studied history. (Like Beavis's friend who wanted a tattoo of an ass, tattooed on his ass.) Anyway the prof is a classical philologist. (legal in Kansas) She spent a lot of time in Eygypt, reading papyri from the Roman period. She chose "the Fall of the Roman Empire" as the theme for our research.
In the twelve years since I was last at school, I have made quite a hobby of reading about Rome. Likes how they builded things and what tools they used and the amazing ambition of their construction. That kind of sucked me in to looking at the society. Slavery but social mobility too. Wasn't all like that...what wuz that dirty movie that had the young (swoon!) Helen Mirren in it? Interesting stuff. And always something new; Hadrianic collosii in Turkey, Varus's End in Germany, all them old pots-in-a-well in London the other day, 'bout the same time as they found that wonderful wood and ivory chair in Herculanium. And, to me the most exiting, those 29 or some odd ships and boats they are excavating in the old harbor at Piza. Some with cargos intact; some with crewmembers, dogs, jugged babies; stuff in good shape from oxygen exclusion. Etruscan through the Empire. And today I saw where they are opening up C. Augustus's old house on the Capitoline...still got paint on the walls. Should have tried to get down to Rome (and Florence) when I was stationed in Germany in '02.
Now its time to pop round to "Yes, your Opinion is Valuable to me...." and see if I can get Craig to tell us what he finds interesting in the Ancient World.
Oops, put Augustus on the Capitoline, it was the Palatine Hill where he washed his socks.

1 comment:

Mongooser said...

hey didnt know about Augustus' home being opened up how COOL is that???
I get Explorator sent every week but i dont recall seeing THAT mentioned (ok ok I havent even LOOKED at todays').